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(Post-Keynsian) stock flow consistent input-ouput modeling & economic planning

I've been delving into the world of stock flow consistent (SFC) macroeconomic modeling and am starting to dig into how to break things down by industry/sector using input-output tables (and puzzling over how to model a dynamic input-output table) as part of my postdoc research using the LowGrowSFC ecological economics model. I think such a framework could be useful for modeling/helping plan the existing economy and help understand the early transition to some new post-capitalist system. Such dynamic SFC-IO models are increasingly being applied to the energetic/material aspects of the economy and ecology because of their nice conservation as well as dynamical properties capturing feedback loops. A nice figure from the Eurogreen gives a good taste of what the structure of such a model looks like, which breaks down by economic sector and breaks households into capitalists and workers: .

Do folks know of papers discussing democratic economic planning in relation to SFC-IO modeling? Degrowth proponents have started talking about Degrowth and Planning (I see a Collection of papers at ) and it seems to me that this is crudely speaking how China's economy is planned (?), but I so far haven't seen papers with much explicit modeling implementations with this framing.
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